Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)

the 1 1 Ar is. TWO IOWA CITY, IOWA, PRESS-CITIZEN, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1936 Close Gates on Lake Macbride Dam to Permanently Impound Waters GET WPA FUNDS TO RUSH BRIDGE TO COMPLETION Start Work on Grading of Beach; To Spread Sand Within 10 Days, Welt Says One of the goals sought since the project was launched three years ago, the permanent impounding of water in Lake Macbride state park was started Friday when the gates were closed on the large dam blocking Jordan and Mill creeks, Mr. A. A. Welt, chairman of the chamber of commerce state park committee, announced today.

The dam was closed after an inspection visit over the park area Thursday and Friday by Mr. C. H. Wilson, federal engineer who is in charge of co-ordinating all of the groups working the state park. Mr.

Wilson co-ordinates the activities of the state conservation commission, WPA, CCC. and national. park: service. Allocation Approved Mr. R.

C. Choate of Davenport, district WPA engineer, and Mr. R. S. Truitt, Johnson county WPA engineer, have received approval from Washington, D.

for the tion of additional WPA funds for men to finish construction of the new bridge at the entrance to the park. The bridge will be completed in 16 working days, it was estimated, including the grading of the new portion into the park proper. The impounding of the lake water will take about six weeks to raise the level to the 30-foot mark at the spillway. Work on Beach Grading has been started on the public bathing beach and the sand will be spread within 10 days. Construction work on the large stone bathhouse is expected be completed in July, at which time a boathouse and custodian's lodge will be built by the CCC workers out of the native limestone from Stone City.

The boathouse will be erected east of the public bathing beach, and the custodian's lodge will be near the park entrance, northeast of the Moose lodge. MRS. ELENORE WHITE WINS 1ST IN POETRY Tipton Girl Winner In Youth's Group Miss Mary Laco*ck of Tipton and Mrs. Elenore Lee White of Iowa City are the first district winners of the Iowa Federation of Womens clubs poetry contest. Mra.

Sadie Seagrave of Oakdale: chairman announced today. Miss conk won the class I for poets from 16 15 20 years and Mrs. White was first in class II over 20. The contest which closed April 1st, was a statewide affair inaugurated by Mrs. Paul Ackley of Ottumwa.

state vice chairman of the poetry divie.on. In the first district there were 46 entries by. 36 contestants from CONTE 13 Honorable mention In class II was given Mr. A Owen. Washinzton.

Miss Mary Erwin of Wapell Mrs. Frances Klopper. Peasant V. Pear V. Mire A A Nebraskan Will Talk On Color Photography At 8 o'Clock Tonight Prof.

Dwight Kirsch, fire department chairman at the versity of Nebraska, will give Illustrated lecture on "The Art of Color Photography" in the exhibition lounge of the fine arts build: ing at 8 o'clock this evening. He will use photographic prints the Lincoln Camera club in Miustrating his lecture. This noon, Professor Kirsch was entertained at a luncheon at the memorial union, at which staf! members of the graphic and tic arts department and students and faculty interested in color photography were in attendance. RECOVER AUTO Ford touring automobile belor Ing to E. S.

White, law atudent from Harlan, stolen Thursday night from its parking place at the Law Commons, was recovered on River street Friday afternoon by police. Our Town Newsy Briefs About People You Know Misses Ella Mae Laffey and Dorothy Aldous of Iowa City, are leaving soon for Louisville, to attend the Kentucky Derby with Mr. and Mrs. A. L.

Bradley of Water100. According to an Associated Press dispatch, Mr. William C. Adrian and Miss M. Shay, both of Iowa City, received a marriage license in Rock Island.

Miss Helen L. Rhinehart. secretary to Dr. George -D. Stoddard, director of the Iowa Child Welfare Research 1 station, is visiting at her home in Dallas Center over the week end.

Miss Emma Watkins and Mrs. Thomas R. Reese are in Durant today where they were both to appear on the program at a meeting of the Cedar County Federated Women's clubs. Miss Watkins is primary teacher at the University Elementary school, and Mrs. Reese 19 district chairman of the Iowa Federation-of-Women's clubs.

Mr. and Mrs. John Holderness, 914 South Van Buren street, are the parents of a girl born this morning at the Mercy hospital, weighing six pounds, ounces. Week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs.

F. B. Whinery. 1023 Kirkwood nue, is Mrs. L.

D. Fillius of Chicago, who arrived this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter of West Branch became the parents of a daughter at 2:15 o'clock this afternoon at the Mercy hospital.

Attending the Drake Relays in Des Moines today were Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Van -Epps, 430 North Clinton street. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles 908 South Dodge street, are entertaining their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sievers of Burlington, over the week -end. Mr. Lloyd Bunker of Muscatine was an Iowa City visitor Mr.

Harry Owen. 131 West College street, is ill at Mercy hospital. President Eugene A. Gilmore of the University of Iowa returned to Towa City this morning after tending a Association meeting of of the North Colleges and Secondary Schools at Chicago this week. Prof.

and Mrs. Cornelia de Kiewiet and children, Christine and Marie, 435 Magowan street, will leave for New York City next week from where they will sail May 2nd on the Britannic for London, England. Professor de Kiewiet of the history department has received a Rockefeller grant-in-aid for research work on the economic history of the British empire and will represent the University of Iowa at the Angio- American history conTerence and also at the centennial celebration of the University of London. The de Klewiets lived in London three years ago when Protensor de Kiewiet was also engaged in research work. Harry Bellas Hess of HuntLong Y.

head of Betas Hess chain of stores Florence J. Frater: Former Iowa Citian. Gets Reno. Nev. Port schools 42 de throughout tory.

She was -1 of the Dorothy ment of home economics the Seattle Times. SAVE MONEY -atGasoline Alley 89 PETITIONS FILED FOR MAY 16 Divorce Actions Are Included in Court Cases Eighty- nine petitions, including 16 divorce actions, were filed indistrict court for the May termbefore the filing deadline Friday evening. Judgement of $7,500 for placing a pipeline' on their property and removal of the pipelines to 200 feet away from buildings is asked in a petition filed by I. M. Siders and Nellie Siders against the Natural Gas Pipe Line Co.

Atty. A. O. Left represents the plaintiff. Fred Graef, assignee of Dr.

W. N. Moore. asks. judgment of $207.65 against J.

A. Hrdlicka on an -account, and E. D. Bruner Co. seeks a judgment of $186.36 on an account against Marie S.

Grant in a petition filed by Atty. F. B. Oisen. Partition of real estate is asked in a petition filed by Lee Cowgill against Blanch Cowgill, et al.

Atty. Henry Negus represents the plaintiff. The Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa seeks judgment of $805.29 against the Lone Tree Farmers Union Exchange on the sale of goods under a lease to William Bell. Two law actions on accounts were filed by F.

L. Stevens against the Wallace Lumber Co. and the Iowa City Country club. PLANS SERIES ON GOODWILL Rev. Worthley to Open Sermons Tomorrow at Unitarian Church Participation of the Unitarian.

church here in the nationwide observance of May as "Universal Goodwill Month" was announced today by the Rev. Evans A. Worthley, pastor. "Many organizations are recognizing the critical nature of these days so far as national and international conditions are the Rev. Mr.

Worthley pointed out. "They are suggesting. accordingly. that the churches throughout the country observe the universal goodwill month. If churches have any genuine basis for existence it is for the purpose of creating a spirit of accord and understanding among men and women." Tomorrow morning the Rev.

Mr. Worthley will speak on "The Tension of the Times." a preliminary statement indicating the need for special emphasis upon the development of an intelligent and co-operative goodwill. The themes for May will include: May 3rd, "Goodwill, the Basis of Human May 10th. "Goodwill, the Basis of National Progress;" May 17th. "Goodwill, the Basis of World Peace:" and May 24th, "Goodwill, the Hope of the Future." Chicago U.

Man to Succeed Ruckmick Prof. Harvey A. Carr, chairman of University of Chicago psycholdepartment, named to was succeed Prof. Christian A. Ruckof the University of Iowa department at presithe American.

Paychology at the annual meeting western univeraty Friday are attending the confer. Annual Rural School Children's Play-Day Scheduled May 23rd Johnson county's rural school children. several hundred strong, will hold their annual play-day at the City park here on May 23rd. The date was set at a meeting this morning of the rural school teachers with Co. Supt.

W. N. Leeper at the courthouse. WM. E.

DALY PASSES AWAY Widely Known For Talks As "Farmer Bill" In Chautauqua Mr. William E. (Farmer Bill) Daly, 63. 502 Iowa avenue, widely known for his talks on "Barnyard Philosophy," passed away at the University hospital Friday evening at 6:30 o'clock after a four weeks' illness. A retired farmer, Mr.

Daly was a featured speaker in the RedpathVawter chautauqua circuit for five years, and after coming here 11 years ago from Anamosa was frequently engaged for lectures over the state. Three years ago he spoke on his farm philosophy before the Executive Ad club in Chicago. Mr. Daly was born at Anamosa on January 9, 1873. He came here 11 years ago and served as night watchman at the Children's hospital a at the University of Iowa.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Margaret C. Daly; two sons, Grey, of Beardstown, and Edwin, of Petersburg, two daughters, Mrs. J. W.

Mitchell of New Orleans and Mrs. John H. McLoone of Waseca, and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at Anamosa, with burial in the Holy Cross cemetery. MRS.

JUNE POPE, 42, DIES THIS MORNING Former Resident Passes At Hospital Mrs. June Pope, 42, of Cedar Rapids, former resident of Iowa City, passed away at a local hospital early this morning. Mrs. Pope had been in failing health for the last year and was bedfast for about six months. Mrs.

Pope was born at West Liberty on September 1, 1893, and moved with her parents to Conesville when she was five years old. She was married to Mr. Lincoln Pope in 1922, and they moved to Iowa City in 1927. Mr. Pope passed away on February 14, 1933, and Mrs.

Pope moved to Cedar Rapids about two years ago. She is survived by a son, Jackie Pope, a sister, Mrs. Jennie Hill of Cedar Rapids; and a brother, Mr. Milton Tucker of Cedar Rapids. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Reform church at Conesville.

Interment will be in the Conesville cemetery. The Oathout funeral home in in charge. Crosley Display Car Shows New Appliances ing 1936. models of Cromley refrigerators. and washing machinen arrived in Iowa City this mornIng It will be parked in front of McNamara's this afternoon and evening and is open to the public.

Official Crosley display car showradios, TEST CASE TO BEGIN MONDAY Judge W. W. Scott Will Hear Challenge of Election With Judge William W. Scott of Davenport presiding, the test case of Harry Abbott against the City of Iowa City, with the Iowa City Light and Power Co. as intervenor with the plaintiff, will open in district court here Monday morning at 10 o'clock.

The case seeks to bring out the issues on state law involved in the validity of the municipal light plant election of April, 1934. Atty. Harley Stipp of Des Moines, special counsel for the city, returned from Washington, D. Friday night, and Mayor Thomas E. Martin and Aldermen J.

A. Swisher, Jacob Van der Zee and Earl W. Kurtz are expected to return tonight. They have been there this week for the hearing on the injunction sought by the company against PWA granting funds to the city. Attorney Stipp, Atty.

D. C. Noflan and City Solicitor Samuel D. Whiting will represent the city in next week's action. Attys.

Dutcher, Walker and Ries and Atty. Wayne Cook of the firm of Lane and Waterman of Davenport will appear for the company. Mr. Abbott is represented by Atty. Charles Whitebook and Atty.

Paul Toomey. The PWA hearing in Washington has been continued until Wednesday, when general testimony will be entered by the four companies joined in seeking the junction. PUT UP BOND IN GAS CASE City Draws Warrant To Cover Natural Gas Court Costs To cover the court costs of the natural gas litigation in federal court at Davenport, pending final determination, the city council Friday night replaced a $2,000 surety bond with a $2,000 warrant on the general fund. City Clerk William L. Condon was instructed to draw the warrant for deposit with the court before May 1st.

Judge Charles A. Dewey required both the city and the Iowa City Light and Power Co. to file the cost bonds before the, case was opened several weeks ago. The city put up a bond in lieu of cash until the new budget was prepared for the present fiscal year. 50 Children Attend Recreational Center Program Friday Night About 50 children enjoyed a program at the recreational center Friday evening observing conservation week.

Mr. A. J. Stanley of the zoology department at the university presented a history of birds and imitated many of the common bird calls. Mrs.

Everett D. Plass was in charge of a movie on planting trees. NAMES ADMINISTRATOR Judge Harold D. Evans opened the estate of Wesley L. Sedivec in district court this morning, approving the appointment of Mr.

J. F. Fairbank as administrator. Always Someone There-When calling a Funeral Director often people hesitate in having their loved one removed from their own home, feeling that they do not want them left alone. People do trunk of these things and we admire them for it.

there is no need to hesitate for that reason. out Funeral Home someone is always in attendance day wAran, the family may stay all night or in the evethey wish. Alva 6. Oathout Oathout Funeral Home 336 South Clinton Street Dial 2935 Tuning In On The University Of Iowa TONIGHT hour program Our Golden Legacy, Prof. H.

F. Schory, Macomb, Ill. TOMORROW AFTERNOON symphony orchestra: Prof. Philip G. Clapp.

director MONDAY MORNING talk, Gretchen Fischer Harshbarger musical favorites shelf, Olisette Holmes Prof. Philip G. Clapp calendar and weather Drama from 1660 to 1860, Prof. Bartholow V. Crawford flashes, Emmett Gardner, county agent rambles MONDAY AFTERNOON melodies 1:45 program calendar moods Social Psychology," Prof.

Norman C. a Meier musical chats, Thomas C. Collins Federation of Women's clubs. "Mental Growth of -Children in Foster Home': Dr. Harold -Elementary Spanish, Ilse Probst Laas 4:30 -Elementary German, Hildegarde Stielow MONDAY NIGHT hour program 7:00 Children's hour your museum News, Elizabeth Okerbloom Health talk, Iowa State Medical Society review musicale Tuberculosis association, Sadie Seagrave, Lee Burton department program S.

U. I. Graduates to Paint Murals For Dubuque Postoffice Mural sketches by Bert Adams and William E. Bunn, University of Iowa graduates, have been accepted as a federal project, the murals to be placed in the recently completed Dubuque post office when the two artists complete them. Actual painting of the murals will not be started until some time this summer following search and study on the subjects.

Extensive study to assure accuracy has already been made, but about two months more research will be undertaken. Mr. Adams and Mr. Bunn submitted their sketches for the Dubuque office last summer and both entries won. Mr.

Bunn's design represents a packet steamboat, the Dubuque, and Mr. Adams' mural will show familiar landmarks of the city. Mr. Bunn, a student of Prof. Grant Wood of the graphic and plastic arts department, is working toward his master's degree.

Townsend Members to Meet Monday Evening There will be a Townsend meeting Monday evening at the courthouse at 8 o'clock, it was announced today. Plans for a new club will be discussed, and all persons interested in the Townsend movement are welcome to attend. Legion Plans "Chow" For Monday Evening Members of theRoy L. Chopek post of the American Legion will hold a monthly "chow" at the BARGAIN DAY BRINGS CROWD Hundreds Flock to City For "Iowa City Days" Observance Hundreds of shoppers from southeastern Iowa flocked here today for the "Iowa City Days," first of a series of merchandising events to be held this year by local merchants. All stores reported a large trade throughout this morning and this afternoon and indications pointed to a busy late afternoon and evening.

The releasing of 200 balloons, each containing a certificate redeemable in merchandise, attracted hundreds of persons to the downtown area this morning. The balloons were released from atop the Hotel Jefferson. A 30-piece band played several concerts at various points this morning. TWO STUDENTS WIN CONTESTS T. Mason, Betty Martin Get Honors in Iowa Nine Meet Two Iowa City high school students, Toby Mason and Betty Martin, won first places in forensic contests in the Iowa Nine league at Burlington Friday night.

Toby placed first in the original oratory competition and Betty was first in the girls' extemporaneous event. Davenport high school received the Iowa Nine plaque, with Muscatine second and Burlington third. In addition to the original oratory and extemporaneous contests, the league's competition included debating and declamatory events. STOCK MARKET CLOSES FIRM Selective Recoveries Give Some Lifting To Issues NEW -Selective recoveries gave a moderate lifting to today's stock market. While many issues held to a narrow groove in quiet transactions, some farm implement leaders got up 1 to around 3 points, and several of the motors, rails and specialties improved.

The close was steady to Transfers approximated 1,650,000 shares. Among the better share performers were J. I. Case, International Harvester and Deere. The more cheerful sentiment in the financial district was a bit clouded by questions pending over the week end, including the start of the French elections tomorrow, with a possible resultant devaluation of the franc.

American Legion Community building at 6:30 o'clock Monday evening. Mr. Sam Harris is in charge of the entertainment. EDWARD (EDDY) SOENS Mr. J.

G. Gartner of the Gartner Motor Co. is happy to announce the appointment of Mr. Edward Sons as sales manager of the Gartner Motor Co. Mr.

Soens was recently field supervisor for Champlain Oil Co. and a former employee of Gartner Motor Co. Gartner Motor Co. 205 South Capitol Street Dial 2642 Dodge and Plymouth Dealer Demo Candidate For State Secretary Is Visitor in Iowa City Mr. Leslie 0.

Ross, of Sidney, democratic candidate for the nomination of secretary of state, was a visitor in Iowa City Friday on 8. tour of this section of the state in the interest of his campaign. Frank Swift Opens New Heating Company Mr. Frank Swift, formerly in business here, has returned to open the Swift Heating Co. shop at the rear of 314 South Dubuque street, it was announced today.

A native of Riverside, Mr. Swift was in business here two years, leaving Iowa City in 1923. The company will be engaged in the installation of furnaces and in sheet metal work. Art's Store Opens Paint Department Opening of a paint department in Art's Supply' and Paint store, operated by Mr. A.

B. Clemence at 5 South Dubuque street, was announced today. Mautz paint and varnish products will be featured in the new department, and a factory representative was at the store today to explain new decorating ideas. Girl Athlete Dies At Local Hospital Geraldine Godden, 15, daughter of Earl Godden of Emmetsburg, passed away at University hospital Thursday following an ation for tumor of the brain. Miss Godden was a prominent high school girl athlete, having participated in state girls' basketball competition.

He PROGRES BR NATURAL GAS TO JOWA CITY of Illinois Gas Customers On NATURAL Gas Illinois State Commerce commission records reveal the fact that OF ALL the GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE ARE NOW SERVED NATURAL GAS either in whole or in part. IN IOWA OF ALL GAS CUSTOMERS ARE NOW USING THIS IDEAL FUEL. Small communities located near pipe lines are petitioning for this cleanest of all fuels. They are willing to grant long franchises. SUCH WIDE PUBLIC.

ACCEPTANCE IS CERTAINLY EXCELLENT PROOF THAT THIS IDEAL FUEL HAS ALL THE MERIT WE CLAIM FOR IT. One Iowa town installed natural gas service only a few months ago to protect itself against the fuel shortage. IOWA CITY LIGHT POWER CO. 211 E. Washington St.

4 Good Tas Paying Citizen Bills Will Be Lower with Natural Gas Moreno Dorothy ey, men M. ur Mrs InK Part fret..

Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

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Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.