the essential guide to wh-questions (2024)

the essential guide to wh-questions (1)

You will hear a good deal about these words if you are taking an initial training course. Unfortunately, you may also hear a good deal which is wrong.

You may, at the outset, have noted that the word how is included in the list above but that it doesn't start with wh-. That's true. Nevertheless, it appears in this guide and is traditionally included in the group because it exhibits similar characteristics.

the essential guide to wh-questions (2)

Making questions

Not only do these words make questions, the reason they do so is to do with their meaning. They all have the general meaning of
I do not know what this refers to so tell me.
We'll consider the 9 main wh-words: how, what, when, where, why, who, whom, which, whose. We will consider them in isolation and talk about what else they do later.

We can elicit all sorts of information using these nine words.

  1. How did you know? (manner or means)
  2. What was she wearing? (thing)
  3. Where did they go? (place)
  4. When did they go? (time)
  5. Why was she crying? (reason)
  6. Who told you? (subject person)
  7. Who(m) did you tell? (object person)
  8. Which do you want? (choice of thing)
  9. Whose is that hat? (possessive)
the essential guide to wh-questions (3)Think for a moment about the answers to these 9 questions. What do you notice?
Click here when you have a response.
  1. How questions are normally answered by using a whole sentence and here an example might be
    How did you know?
    Mary told me
    It is unlikely that an answer would be
    but that is possible. Adverbs are sometimes what the question is getting at as in e.g.,
    How was he driving?
    Very carefully
    but that is a fairly rare event.
  2. What questions are almost always directed at non-human nouns or noun phrases so an answer to the question might be something like
    What was she wearing?
    Jeans and a T-shirt
    questions rarely refer to humans and we prefer
    Which person did you ask?
    What person did you ask?
  3. Where questions are used to elicit spatial information. The answer will normally be a place, and adverb or a prepositional phrase, e.g.:
    Where did they go?
    To London
    Into the house
  4. When questions usually elicit a time, and adverb phrase, a prepositional phrase or a clause so possible answers are
    When did they go?
    At 6
    Just now
    After lunch
    When everyone had finished
  5. Why questions are also normally answered with whole sentences (sometimes much more) or clauses beginning with a word like because such as:
    Why was she crying?
    Because it was so sad
    Because he'd been so rude
    We can omit the word because although it is always implied as in, e.g.:
    The car had broken down again
    These questions also frequently elicit a clause beginning with to, in order to and so that:
    To make him feel guilty
    In order to make him feel guilty
    So that we'd take pity on her
    The complication with why questions is that the question word can refer to the reason for doing something as in:
    Why were you late?
    or the purpose for doing something, as in:
    Why did you telephone?
    Some languages reserve different question words for these two distinct meanings and that can lead to some confusion and error.
  6. Who questions traditionally refer to people as the subject of the verb but also, frequently, to the object. They always refer to people, never inanimate objects and rarely non-humans. Answers might be:
    Who told you?
    The man in the shop
    Those people
  7. Whom questions can only be reference to human objects of the verb. Possible answers might be:
    Whom did you tell?
    The man in the shop
    Those people

    In colloquial English whom is frequently replaced by who so the question could easily have been
    Who did you tell?
    but it still refers to the object, not the subject of the verb.
  8. Which questions imply a choice from a limited number of options that the questioner is aware of. They can apply to people and to non-animate items.
    Which do you want?
    almost certainly refers to things, not people and implies a limited choice of items to choose from.
    Possible answers might be:
    That one
    The blue one
    A plain one

    If which questions are used to refer to people, they must be accompanied by a noun such as girl, boy, man, person, customer etc., all of which refer to classes of people. The question cannot usually be:
    Which did you tell?
    but could be
    Which police officer did you tell?
    Possible answers might be:
    The tall one
    That one
  9. Whose questions refer to people and very rarely to animals, even more rarely to inanimate objects. Possible answers will include the possessive 's marker or involve the use of the possessive pronoun:
    Whose is that hat?
    Your mother's
the essential guide to wh-questions (4)

What is not possible

There are some things that wh-questions cannot elicit. For example:

  1. We cannot ask about what are called dummy subjects. We can say
    It got very windy yesterday
    but the question
    What got very windy yesterday?
    is meaningless because the answer would be it.
    The pronoun it is not always a dummy so when it refers to a real object, we allow:
    It got broken
    What got broken?
    The table.
  2. We cannot ask about the adjective complements of linking verbs such as appear, grow, become, seem etc. We can say
    John appeared tired
    She was exhausted
    They grew angry
    but the questions
    What did John appear?
    What was she?
    What did they grow?
    are not possible without altering the meaning.
  3. We cannot ask about the verb. We can say
    She told her mother a lie
    They chose him

    but the questions
    *What did she her mother?
    *What did they him?

    are nonsense.
the essential guide to wh-questions (5)

Why is this important?

This is important because other languages handle interrogatives very differently and the peculiar restrictions of applicability to humans, non-humans and inanimate objects and restricted choices, for example, do not apply universally to all languages as they do to English. The area needs to be taught.

the essential guide to wh-questions (6)


the essential guide to wh-questions (7)

Think for a moment about how you would say these two questions and try to figure whether your voice rises or falls towards the end.

  1. Are you coming to the meeting?
  2. What time is the meeting?

Say them aloud and then click here.

Question intonation on questions formed with wh-words like:
What time is the meeting?
generally falls, but on a question such as
Are you coming to the meeting?
it tends to rise. The effect can be represented like this:
the essential guide to wh-questions (8)

This is not an absolute rule – very little of intonation contains such things – but it is a clear tendency. Many languages rely solely on intonation to make questions from statements and English has that ability, too, in questions such as
You are going to London?
in which the intonation rises sharply along with voice pitch to express disbelief or surprise. This is often rendered in writing by double question marks and/or exclamation marks.
This is an area that needs to be taught because many learners will assume that intonation always rises on questions and are in danger of sounding rude and demanding if they do this with wh-questions.

the essential guide to wh-questions (9)

Forming wh-questions

It is impossible to form wh-questions successfully unless you are alert to the focus of the question you want to ask.

the essential guide to wh-questions (10)

Consider these questions and see if you can work out what the problems for learners are with the form of the questions.

  1. Who broke the glass?
  2. Which letter did you lose?
  3. How long have you been here?
  4. Whose car hit the gate?
  5. Why were you late?
  6. When are you going to tell her?
  7. What comes next?
  8. Where is the meeting?
  9. Whom did you see?

Click here when you have done that.

  1. It matters a lot if the wh-word is the subject of the sentence or not. In questions 1., 4. and 7, the wh-phrase is the subject of the verb and the order of words which follow it is unchanged from a simple positive statement.
    We replace the subject noun or noun phrase with the wh-word without disturbing the word order. For example:
    Positive sentencevs.Wh-question
    The boys from over the road broke the glassWho broke the glass?
    John's car hit the gateWhose car hit the gate?
    The marching band from Baltimore comes nextWhat comes next?
  2. In all the other questions the order of words after the wh-word is changed to reflect the fact that it is a question form and the focus of the question is the object not the subject. In other words, we add the wh-word to the normal question form.
    When the question word refers to the object of the verb we get a pattern like this:
    Normal questionvs.Wh-question
    Did you lose a letter?Which letter did you lose?
    Did you see anyone?Whom/Who did you see?
    Did you hear anything?Whatdid you hear?
    Did you drive your own car? Whose car did you drive?
  3. In the examples where the wh-word refers to the complement (rather than the object) of the verb, the same patterns occur:
    Normal questionvs.Wh-question
    Have you been here long?How long have you been here?
    Were you late?Whywere you late?
    Are you going to tell her?Whenare you going to tell her?
    Is the meeting here?Whereis the meeting?

This is a complication which many other languages do not share so it is a source of errors such as:

  • *Who did break the glass?
  • *What does come next?
  • *Why you are late?
  • *When you are going to tell her?


We need to distinguish this carefully when teaching the forms or we will be guilty of actually inducing errors in our learners rather than helping them to the right forms.
To emphasise the point, there are three rules:

the essential guide to wh-questions (11)

If the focus of the question is the subject of the verb, the question is formed with unchanged word order.

So we have, e.g.:
The girl caught the ball → Who caught the ball?
The car hit the wall → What hit the wall?
The grey horse won → Which horse won?
My team lost → Whose team lost?

Forming these questions is really quite simple. It is even simpler when the verb in question cannot take an object at all because no other construction is possible so we get:
The girl left → Who left?
It fell → What fell?
The letter arrived → Which letter arrived?
My team came first → Whose team came first?

the essential guide to wh-questions (12)

If the focus of the question is theobject of the verb, the normal rules for forming questions apply.

So we have, e.g.:
The girl caught the ball → What did the girl catch?
The car has hit the wall → What has the car hit?
The grey horse will win the last race → Which race will the grey horse win?
My dog chased her cat → Whose cat did your dog chase?

Forming these questions is only simple if learners are already familiar with the quite complicated ways that questions are formed. For more on that, see the guide linked below.

the essential guide to wh-questions (13)

If the focus of the question is on theadverbial (when, where, why, with what, with whom, how), the normal rules for forming questions apply.

So we have, e.g.:
The girl left last night → When did the girl leave?
The car has stopped outside the house → Where has the car stopped?
She has bet on the grey horse → Why has she bet on the grey horse?
They finished the work with some help → How did they finish the work?

I travelled by car → How did you travel?
I worked with Mary → Who did you work with?
Again, forming these questions is only simple if learners are already familiar with the quite complicated ways that questions are formed. For more on that, see the guide linked below.

The abbreviated rule is:

Apply the normal rules for forming questions with wh-wordsunless the focus is the subject.

the essential guide to wh-questions (14)

Complications with how

As we saw in the first set of examples, most wh-words have a straightforward meaning. The word how is somewhat different.

the essential guide to wh-questions (15)

What does it mean in these examples?

  1. How long have you been waiting?
  2. How often does she do that?
  3. How much does he want the job?
  4. How long is the journey?
  5. How are you?
  6. How was the trip?
  7. How interesting did you find it?
  8. How many do we need?

Click here when you have 8 meanings clear. Thinking of possible answers to the questions makes that easier.

  1. How long have you been waiting?
    Les than ten minutes
    Referring to duration
  2. How often does she do that?
    Referring to frequency
  3. How much does he want the job?
    Very badly
    Referring to intensity
  4. How long is the journey?
    Three miles / More than a day's drive
    Referring to distance or duration
  5. How are you?
    Referring to personal feeling
  6. How was the trip?
    Very comfortable
    Referring to quality
  7. How interesting did you find it?
    Not particularly
    Referring to extent
  8. How many do we need?
    At least a dozen
    Referring to quantity

The issue here is the word is followed by a range of other items (quantifiers, adverbs, adjectives etc.) and its meaning alters considerably. Other languages do not have such a common multiword so the area needs handling carefully. Learners can easily become confused.

The word what also exhibits multiple meanings but to a lesser extent. We can have, for example:
What did you tell her? (referring to something said)
What can I help you with? (referring to an action)
What flight are you on? (referring to a noun phrase)

the essential guide to wh-questions (16)

Formality and prepositions

Formality in English requires the wh-word to be accompanied by its preposition so we get, e.g.:

Formal questionvs.Informal question
With whom did you come?Who did you come with?
For what did he ask?What did he ask for?
With which officer did you speak?Which officer did you speak with

That's the general rule but the longer the clause between the wh-word and the preposition, the more difficult it gets to construct an informal sentence. Would you accept, e.g.,
What did you use to get the awful mess out of the pipe and clear away all the dirty water from the sink with?
What time are you going to ask them all and their friends from Holland to meet us under the pier at?

the essential guide to wh-questions (17)

Emphasising wh-questions

The most frequent way to emphasise wh-questions is the use of the word ever. For example

  • Who ever did that?
  • How ever did you manage it?
  • Which ever did you choose?
  • How ever long have you been waiting?
  • Why ever were you late?
  • Whose ever car was that?
  • When ever are you going to finish?
  • What ever did she mean?
  • Where ever can she be?
  • Whom ever did you tell?

Some things to note:

  1. There are other popular emphasisers such as the hell, in heaven's name, on earth etc.
  2. These are normally written as two words to distinguish their function. When they are written as one word, they often mean It doesn't matter who/what/when/how/which etc. For example
    Whoever comes late must sit over there
    is not emphatic; it means anyone who comes late.
    He leaves whenever he feels a little tired
    is also not emphatic; it functions as a subordinating conjunction just aswhen does. The same applies to
    You can sit wherever you like
    and to many other -ever words.
  3. The emphatic why ever only occurs as two words in English.

Related guides
negatives and questionsfor a more on these two areas
tag questionsan essential guide to how these and what they do
interrogativesfor a much more technical guide in the in-service section to the whole area

the essential guide to wh-questions (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.