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- Publication:
- The Macon Newsi
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- Macon, Georgia
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- 11
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'WLWi WiS 111 I I 9 Tuesday October is list The Macon News 11 Sportsmen Set Meeting Tonight er business will be the laying plans for attending the Convention of the Georgia Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs this weekend at Rock Eagle Lake near The Macon Federation of Sportsmen's Gub will meet today at 7:30 pm at the Bell House Restaurant Bud Stallings Federation president said Stallings said that among oth Marietta Ties With Albany For Top Spot Poets Hughes Rams to See Action Here I WtfSAty IW? i Gallagher "The Great Whiskey of the Old West A Burton lack Label star you! An oW-timt favorite of people who IHk their whiskey smooth and light Httracv ATLANTA APl-Marietta has pulled up alongside Albany in the No 1 spot of the AAA Top Ten in high school football The State Rating Board advanced Marietta to a tie for first place on the strength of its 34-0 rout of Marist Albany kept half of the top spot by removing Valdosta from the undefeated list 264 Albany now has five straight wins for the season with victories over two other Top Ten Teams Marietta has six wins but victory over only one other Top Tea team Albany has averaged 26 points 3 All three of grid chines are at home this weekend and all three win face up to some rugged testing when they host visitor! to the cky and Porter Stadium Coach Billy Henderson and bia Willingham Rams get the foot ball weekend off to a flying start Thursday when they take on the Albany Indians at 6 pm On the following night Coach Goot Steiner and his Hughes High Rama face up to Montgomery County of ML Vernon Coach Cotton Harrison and his Lanier High Poets claim the spotlight on Saturday night in a 1-AAA set-to with Jordan High of Columbus The Poets and Rams are spend' lng the major portion of the week In rugged scrimmaging drills in preparation for their weekend battles The Wolverines held light drills Monday and are expected to continue with the light workouts game and limited its opposition Ma to an average of 26 points rietta 42 and 2 In other Top Ten revisions Moultrie returned to the AAA elite after two weeks absence Brooks County Emanuel County and Bradwell Institute cracked the Gass list for the first time The ratings are sponsored by the Atlanta Journal The Top Ten by classes: AAA Albany and Marietta ETiedl Richmond Academy La Grange Brown North Fulton Savannah North side Valdosta Moultrie NCAA Approves 15 Bowl Tilts COPIES MADE OF WILLS DEEDS MARRIAGE LICENSES AND OTHER VALUABLE PAPERS 4-HOUR SERVICE MACON ELECTRIC and BLUEPRINT COMPANY 444 WALNUT ST TO APPEAR HERE Harmon Killebrew of the Washington Senators shows his batting stance as he prepares to bring his American League All-Stars to Macon Thursday Killebrew who was second high man in the American League in the home run department with 40 round-trippers will field his team at Luther Williams Park against Hank Aaron's National Leaguers The game is scheduled to get underway at 7:45 pm News Sports Photo ron LESS THAU THIS CBEAT READ THE CLASSIFIEDS KENTUCKY LOOP TERRITORY THREATENED Rickey Predicts Senators To Remain in Washington CAR LOT PURCHASING BOURBON KKNTUCKV TRAIOHT BOURBON MANSFIELD Tires NEW YORK UPI1 College football teams will have a record IS NCAA-approved bowls from which to efaoose this year Executive Director Walter Byers announced Monday that tha NCAA extra events committee has approved five new post-sea son games making the largest total ever certified since the committee started Its program Id 1951 There bad been as many ns 31 post-season games before the NCAA enacted legislation in 1951 The five bowls certified for the first time are the Aluminum Bluebonnet Flower Liberty and Santa bowls The Citricado Bowl at Escondido Calif approved last year will not he played in 1959 The list of certified games: Nov 21 Mineral Water Bowl Excelsior Springs Mo Dec 12 Flower Bowl New Orleans La Bluegrass Bowl Lou isville Ky Dee 19 Bluebonnet Bowl Houston Tex Liberty Bowl Philadelphia Pa Dee 25 Santa Bowl Houston Tex Dec 26 Aluminum Bowl Little Rock Ark Dee SI Sun Bowl El Paso Tex Jan 1 Cotton Bowl Dallas Tex Orange Bowl Miami Fla Prairia View Bowl Prairie View Tex Rose Bowl Pasadena Calif Sugar Bowl New Orleans La Tangerine Bowl -Orlando Fin' Jan 2 Gator Bowl Jackson ville Fla WHOLESALE PRICES CASH or TERMS By JACK CUDDY NEW YORK tUPIl Branch Rickey predicted today that the Washington Senators will not claim-lump into the new Continental territory at Minneapolis despite next meeting of the Washington dime- ns si bbt rax a mosnuE ghtbcky minted it miiml MIUK ROORTI HWMY UN18CXT STUKHI MUM HUSKY FINE Hugh Dennis Tire Recapping 1405 Broadway Fhona SH 3-5024 WHAT MAKES tor to consider the attempt Rickey 77-year-old president of the Continental circuit added even if this very Improbable move should occur I can assure you the Continental League will survive A reporter asked the bushy-browed oldster In the hornrimmed glasses if the Continentals would put up a fight to prevent the shift to Minneapolis if the Washington directors favored it Friday rare to discuss what we may do until after Cal Griffith and his directors make their decision" said Branch smiling confidently across the g'ass-topped desk in his headquarters at the Commodore Hotel Griffith is president of the Senators you appeal to the Sen ale's Kefauver sub-committee?" have no desire to take the matter to the Kefauver committee" Rickey replied quickly He added: believe organized baseball will back this move even if the Washington club wants it merely a one-club motivation And it's certainly not in harmony with the Aug 18th statement by the two major leagues that they would cooperate with a third major league And don't believe the commissioner would want It" Minneapolis-St Paul is one of the sites chartered by the Continental League In its franchise plans for starting operations in 1961 The other chartered sites are Denver Houston New York and Toronto Other franchise applicants being given serious consideration are New Orleans Atlanta Dallas-Fort Worth Buffalo and Montreal mmt Revolutionary Rear Engine adds GBMQJEQD You never have to fuss with antifreeze Turb0rAir6 warms up quicker with less wear on parts Airplans-type heater goes to work almost instantly works small miracles with mileage the world? firtt production 6 with ike opposed pistons RHETT TRUESDEL Manager "BACK TO SCHOOL" Calls for Extra Cash 1000x030000 ghortsndswsstt Englno'a In tho roar-whtra It bslongs In compact car With mora waight on roar wheals you gat extra road-gripping traction for cornering and driving on ice mud or enow Also by avoiding nose-haavtnasa of front-angino compact care Corvair handle easier brakaa batter rides smoother gtyiing of both 4-door models Is clean and uncluttered as trash and functional aa modem architecture and the most practical thing ofaUis Corvair' 8 'Optional at extra cost 10 Fight Results On Auto Furniture' Signature Reduce Monthly Payments With CONSOLIDATION LOAN Hava Mora Taka hom*o Pay! PERSONAL INVESTMENT CO 522 Third 8t-SH 2-1672 Next Door to Karsten-Denson Co UP FRONT 0 Unlpack Power Team Practically FLAT FLOOR! 4-Wheel Independent Suspension LqW price Sy TV AmrliM Prvu FHOVIDENCE 1 Candy McFarland 1414 Philadelphia (topped Cedi Courtney 141 Miami Beaeh 3 Joe fcUri 145 Baltimore aelpointed Many Cildrn 145 Baltimore Lota of luggage space under tho hood when convoniont for groceries packages Coryell's spirt tiro's tasy to gat at too Engine transmission and drive sears are neatly wrapped in one lightweight package Takes less space leai leaves you more Springs at each wheel cushion bumps independently of each other for a ride that rivals much costlier cars see it drive it NEARLY 3 FEET SHORTER Time for a Checkup? UNISTRUT BODY BY FISHER Body and framo are combined into a single rigidly constructed nnit that redares weight enlarges its passenger ipaca Corvair's alaost 5 inches lower over 1300 pounds lighter too Its cospaet size akos it a Joy to jockey through traffic pleasure to park No need fdr power assists Corvair it only compact car with a virtually fiat floor that gives you full 6-pastenger comfort For extra storage tpace folding roar teat converts to make room for 176 cu ft of cargo at extra cast BY CHEVROLET the happiest driving compact car Who knows maybe it is After all you get a checkup on everything else your health your kids the car So why not your investments too? After all times change and so do security values The stocks you bought five years ago may have been just fine for your purpose then but what about now? Maybe your objectives have changed Maybe other stocks offer far better opportunities Maybe there are definite weak spots here and there 1 In yonr portfolio That's why we think every investor should get a good financial checkup from time to time find out juitj what his investment program looks like to a practiced impartial observer And if you'd like to know what we think of the stocks you own we'll be happy to tell you Our Research Department will mail yon an objective review of your present portfolio give you all the facta they can about any particular stock you may want to buy or sell or prepare a complete investment program for any sum any objective There's no charge for this service either Whether you're customer or not If you'd like an investment checkup just write us letter about your situation You simply address I nothing lilo a new and no compact ear Hit this de luxe Corvair 700 COMPACT i you ever drove See your tocal authorized Chevrolet dealer uiusKfi tumors hack uia ILCNDE8 WHISKEY 16 WOOF CRAIN REUTIAL SPIRITS CUUSNEI I SURT9N WHITE ILENDEB WHISKEY It PIOOF BRAIN NEUTRAL SPIUIS ULUHU i IURT6K INC lALIINOIE HA WILLIAM CRAWFORD Managor Dtp fffi Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner Smith Inc' Memhert Nero York Stork Exchange and all other Principal £nAaagj DEMPSEY HOTEL MACON Telephone: SHerwood 3-4411 DUNLAP CHEVROLET COMPANY 30 THIRD STRUT MACON PHONE SH 5-16S1 1 "7-1 --M.
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