The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

58 THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, AUGUST 30, 1970 Over -Counter Market Quotations N.Y.S.E. Bond Market f. Bid Bid Stock DIv. Bid Asked Cha Stock Div. Bid Asked Cho.

Stock DIv. Bid the Those quotations supplied Creative Mdsg Hubinger Co 14 curities Dealers are bids and Crown Crafts 284. Huck HudsnPlo Manufg 1.26 National Association of 56. CrossComp .50 30 ter dealers to each other as of CIC Compling HugoGas Hurletron Inc offers quoted by over the coun: Crutcher Res time.) opproximately The 3 quotations p.m, do (Eastern not Curtis Cullum Nol Co .24 ,40 Hurst Perl Inc include retall anarkup, mark- Cybermark Sy Hyatt Corp down represent or actual commission. transactions.

and do not Cypress Com Hyde Athletic Hyatt Internot Hydraulic 1.28 1714 INDUSTRIAL AND UTILITY Hyster 1.20g 30 STOCKS Dallas Air ,60 26 Dalto Electron DamsonOil Co 45- Image System Enterpri DunlyMh DanaLabs Inc 12d IndGasCo 1.521 A A 1 Corp Dart Drug .20 12 IndupWat 1,40 Aberle Indust Dosa Corperat Ind Aconstics Ace Industries Data Automa1 Ind Nucle 03b Acme Eloc .16 8 Data Com Sys Industrial Svc Acushnet .50 Datu Inds Trans Cp AddWesley .10 DatoGen Corp 20 Inexco Oil Co 8 Adloy Corp Data 100 Corp Informatics In ADMar Resch 23:8 Data Packag Info Displays Advance Ross Data Technolo Informinit Inc 7 Aero Systems Datatab Incrp Inform Mach Aero Tech 3k Datatron Pres Intrared Indst AFAProtSy .70 Datronic Rent InlandCon 1.60 27 After Six Inc Davis Food Sv Instinvestr Sy A ID Incorp 15 Dayton Mall Integrated Cnt Air' California Deon Foods Intermark Inv 5 Air Industries 16 55- Intermi Gs .20 Airborn Fraht DEI Decor Ind Industrie Intl Alum 12. AITS Incorp 44. 8 43 Dekalb Agres 2514 tntBk Wa Ala TenNG .80 11 Delhi Intl Oil IntBkW A Albee Homes 248 DeLuxe 1.10 IntBasic Econ 1058 Alberts In 3 Denver RE .60 Intl Book Corp AlcolacChm 6i Dc Rose Indust Intl Computer AlconLab Designatrn In Int Funeral Sv 11 Alden Electro Detrex Che .20 6 IntiLeisu 1.28d Alexand Al .60 50 Det CaTul 1.30 IntiLeisure Alico Land Dy 15 Det Inter 1.40 1838 187- IntMultifd 1.20 Alleg Bever 31 Develop Corp Int Sy Control 19. Allied Equit DeweyElec 4 IntSyCn pt Allied Prod wt Diam Crys 3k .60 Intertherm In All Therm 1.10 26 15 28 DiamShpf 1.15 Intext 41 6 All Tech Indus Dickey Cly .72 Inventr Captal Allyn Bacn .40 Dickson El Cp Invest Cp Fla AloeCrem Lab Invest Gth Ind Alphanumr In DiebldVnt Compt lonics incorp Alpine Goophy 434 Digital Applic 1a So Util 1.56 26 Amadac Indus Digitron Corp Irwin Rich .32 Amarex Incor 11 151 Corportn Am Beef Pock Disc Incorport Am Biomedici Diversapt 5 AmBusPrd AmComput .16 Ls 6 1014 VA DixonCru Mgt 60d -J- Am Elect Lab 3 Docutel Corp Am Exp Exprs pf 1.20 64 Don Domain Indus JacobsFL Am .08 1334 Soph JacquinChs 3i Am AmFinancl Forest .56 33 Donovan Donaldson .60 17 Jaffee Fd AmFurnitr .28 6 Dow Jones James JamWat FS Uti 2i .30 53 Am Greetg .70 13 Downtown .14 9 Jamesbury .20 Am AmMusic Medicorp Strs DoyleDone .88 18 JetAir Freight 15 Amer Nucleor Drummer Boy John Robt Ducommun 13 1334..... Johns EF 7 Am AmRubPI Television 13 11 Dunkin Donuts 11 JohnsnPr Dun EIB 1714 18 Joslyn Mf 1.12 16 Am AmoskeagCo Weldg .80 2 43 46 12 Duplex Prod.

Industries Duriron Co .72 16 Anadite Incrp Analog Anderson Device Lab -E- -K- AnheuserB 80 65 Anken Applebm Induct .28 173 Kaiser StI 834 Applied Magti Eagle Dey wt 3 KaisStl pf 1.46 17 42 Arcs Industrie EarlyCalif Ind KamanCorp 3i Ardn May 20h 43 634 Eastern Eberline Instr Shop Kalvar Corp Kampground 11 Aries ArdenMaypf 3 28 Eckerd NC .40 Kans Beef. Ind Aristo Corprin Foods Eckrich .40 KanNb Gs 1.52 26 Ariz Biocheml 8 Econ Labs .24 19 Kate Grw ArkMoPow .56 13 Edginton Oil Kathol Petrol .68 1 EDP Resourc KayWindin .60 Armstrong ArkWnGas AJ Educati Devl 4 Kayex Corptn 11 Arvida ArrowHr Corp 1.80g 2734 75 Elba systems KaysamC Educasi Syst Kayot Incorp 6 ElderBrSt .40 DI Corp ASG Industinc Eldorado Gen Kearney Natl ASG Indust .72 pf 434 Electro Craft 358 4 Keene Corport Assoc Cola Electro Nucin Kellett Corptn Asso Truck .30 1134 34 Electrocopy Kellwood .72 AstroCont pf 1 14 Electromag In 7 Kelly Ser V.50 19 AtlantaGasLt (z)' Elec Control 21 KeuffelEs Aurora Corp (z) Electron Data 50 KEwaunee .80 Automation Sc 134 Electro Nite 33 Keyes Fibr .90 Automat Tech 214 EltrnMod Keyst Portind AVI Industrie Eltrnizd Chem King Electron 4 AVM Corp 15 1014 Elixir Industri King Intl Corp 1 20 Elizbthwt 1.80 21 23. KearneyT El Paso Ei .76 125- King Kullen .50 Empire Gas King Resou3 Emp ireSto .50 1358..... Kirk KMS Corporat Industris Energy Resc 24 25. KnapeVog 1.20 24 Energy Convr Boird Atomic Entwistle 31 KnudsenC 1.60 28 Boker Inc.

EnnBran Cotr 812 Koss Electron con Corporatn Kreisl Mf Bandag Incp 37 39 Incorp Krov Ind Inc Bank BanaorHy Buildng 1,16 Epsco EquityNat Ind Krueger .40 19. Bankers Un 2' A Equity ErieTech Oil .40 I aclede Steel 31 Kuhlman Barber Borden Cp green .80 14 75 ESD Comp Prat .48 6 1 Barnes BarnettM Hind 15 40 Essex Evans System Incorpt 3. -L- Barwick Indus 83. Everest Jenng 778 Basin Petrolm ExchgOil Gas Ladd Petrolm BassettFrn .80 Exectv House LakeSupP 1.44 18 Boyless .60 14 EZ Paintr 18d 10 LambWest .32 Baumritr 9 30 Lancaster Bazar Inc .60 Lance Inc .76 Beefland Intl Lane Co Beecham .80 -F- Land Resourc BeelineFas 20 8 LaneWood Inc BegleyDrg .36 Th Si 214- Larson Indust 8chring Corp 10 Fabri Centers 12. LarwnM 1.14d Ackins Co .40 Fabri Tck Inc Lawter Ch .52 28 Belknap Family Dir St 1214 eadvlle Lead Belleisle 1.37d 17 Farinon Elect LeasepacCo 3i 15 Belmont Indus Formr Br 678 738.

LeeWay Fr .40 Bergstrm 1.20 Farmhand .40 934 LeggettPitt .36 Berkshir Hath 41 43 Farringtn Mfg Lesure Group 14 Matic. Fashio I'ress Lehigh Coal Setz Labs .28 2714 Fashion 220 In LewisBusF .20 Revisindust in Fed NtMta .96 Broadcast BibbMfg 113 117 Fidl1Mtg 1.30d 19 LincolMta Blg Drum 13 14 Findlay Wally 111..... Lincoln 1 .50 81,4 Fine Organics Lindbrg Cp .60 Rio Dunm 10 Fingerhut Cp Liavidonics In 7 Bird Sons 35 1st Besion 2d 41 42 Tittle ArthurD Birtcher Corp 1stGn Res 45e 814 LMC Data Inc 2.04 2734 5k LMFCorp Blosius Indust 1st Miss Corp 73- 1 Loblaw Inc .40 Blue Chip 14 First Surety Loft Candy Cp 2 Rogue Electre First West Fin Log Etronics Bolt Beronek 67. Flexsteel 10 Logic Corpor Bonanzo Inter Flickinger .40 811 LomasNet Pin 77.8 Booth Cmpt 10i 11 FlaPbUtil 1.12 LomMtg 2.09d BoozAllen 15 LoneSt Br 13 Cap (2h Fla FloridaTel Tile Ind .48 .20 Longs Drug .64 BostHerald 2d 27 Longchamps Brandon Ap5v Floyd Ent 30d 10 11 Lord Hardwic Brenco Inc .60 Food Fair Pro 332 1 owes Co .20 Bresnahan Cp 31. FoodHost USA LynchCom BrinksInc Forest Oil Crp 1814 Lyntex Corp Brass Formigli Brooks Scn .30 FtWorthS1l .80 Brown Enterp 8 FosterGrnt 4i 31 32 2 6rwngArm .50 814 Fotomat Corp 25- Brush Beryll 18 FoxSianley .50 Ruckbre .20 FronkinC 10d MocDermd 171 Buckeye Intl 654 FranklinElc 3i MadsonGE Burnup Sims 11 FrantzMfg .54 14 MaiorPool Eg 3 Butter Mfa 70 22.

FraserM 1.34d 233 Major Realty Butler Natl Cp Frndly Ice .05 MallickrdC .70 FrischsRes .60 131 Malon Hyd .40 -C- FrysFd5t Manage Assist 158 Fuller .36 Manor Core In Fullview Indst 112 15..... Marathon Mfg 13b Marathon Sec 14 Coolesinc 4d Fuquo 1973wts 13 MarinePt Calbiochem Fuqua 3 Marion Corpn ColifHith Care 12 N. aritim Fruit Cal Co: Pacut Water 1.60 1.12 223 -G- Mark Marmon Systems 3 Gro Camco Inc .15 Marquette Cp ComBrw 1.02d 2012 21 MarshSupr .45 Com Toga 1.80 Galbrth 1.52d 243- Martha Mann 23 CompusCa .50, Gamma Procs Martha Wh .30 ConMilis 3.60a 66 Garfinckel ,84 MartinBw ConMI1B 3 600 65 68 Gas Service Mary Kay Inc Canrad Pr Ind 25 Gates Learict Master Contri CapMigin 153. Gateway Maui ndPine CooTech Inc GayGibsn Mayer Osc .56 CopSouws 15h Gelco Leasing 12 McCormck 60 Copitol Food In Gelman lustr McQuay in 23 Capitolinti Air Genl Aircraft MedicHom En Core Corporat Genl Automat Medical Invst Corhart Photo GenAutoP1 .64 1814..... MedicMt 1.35d Car Caribbean Genri Binding Medicenters A CarolinFat 68 10 Gen Corp Ohio Medtronic Inc Carrols Devel Gen Crude .60 38 Meister Brou CorteBich Gen Elcctrody 112 Mercantile In Corter Grp 8i 183 Gen Hith Serv 8 Merchinc 1.20 27 Cascadec Genrl Kinetics Meridion Invs Cos NatGas .72 Gen Leisur Pd Metalfobin .40 Castle Copital Gen Medical Metex Coro Centex Corpor 25.

93 Methode 614 Cent TelCo 150 20 GenRelEs .72 Mever Fr Cen Vt PS 1.28 163 GenShole Microform Da Century Conv Midas Intl .36 Champpr 151. Gn Gen Un TICalpf Group .90 Midtex Midind Cap .20 Chance A B1 19 tncorp Chonnel Comp Geotel Incorp Midwst Comp. Charnita Inco Geothermal 31 3184 MidwsGasTr 16 Charter ,100 Geriatrics 05d 57 Miller Brother Gitfen Indust Millipore .18 ChLe argon 50 Gifford 30d Miss RvrTm 1 Chesapke Inst Gilfordinst 12 Miss ValSt! Chesa Ind Gilbert Robin MissVal .40 Cheso Util 80 Glatfelter 1.40 24 MO Rescarch ChiBrido 1.40g 57 59 Gleasonw Mo MisS Util 1.20 Pat ChiltonCo 120 GodfreyCom Mitron Chi Helicopter Gione Rubber Chris Sec 33d 110 Golden Cycle Mobile Mobile Gos Waste .84 Leasing Golden Wst Fi Modular Scien Chris Sec 7 95 Golden FI 1.40a 27 Good LS Co Mohk Mogul Rub Corp 1.20 .20 Citodel Indust Gould Goodwy InsTr Copy Monfort of Col 61 A GEm .300 Monm Monterey Pk Life .450 11 1.21 GovEmpFl .40 26 85d Graco Inc MooreSom MooreProd .32 ClarkIL Mfg 191 MorianPac .50 12 Class Intl Cp .80 Cp Graphic GrophCont Scien .28 13 Morrisnin 40 Clarion Coro Mta 1.790 1236 127 MorrisnKn 40 Cleary Petrol Mortoade Clevepak Corp Gl Great Swt Markwestn 10b Mtg Invs 1 15d 17 Clinton Merch GreenmP 1.08 161... Mto Mta TrAm Trust wts Clow Clinton Coro Oil Co 1.60 MosinrePa .70 CocaC8 La 28 Grevadver .50 10n Corur Alene GRI Computr Motr Club 27 1704 Grigas Envipt Moulded Prod Conor Counitronics Corprin 3:7 Grove Press 10 Coldwel1B Grwthintl 10b Mueller Ena GRT Corporat Murnhy Part Colonial Coleman Coml Grumman Ind MutiPEin Oid 1 40 Guard Ch Myers LE ColonialS Mill 2314 Gutfintrest .30 Columbus Gwaltney .50 ColwiMte Gyrodyne Comcet Incor Com CIHos .40 Comi ComwiGs Shear 1g -I- Norr Co 30e ComwiTel 1.10 Natl Nothans Brands Pom Com Comunity Psych Hth Cn Hanovr Shoe 1 18 20 NarCorR 15d Component Cr Harper HardessEd PA 40 16 1018 Not NatComptr Comp Co Comp Computer Commu Con HarperHM Natl Envir Co Computer Inst Imo Hasbro indust NatGosO1 Harrel Intern Notl Equitics Computer Hart Carter Natl Hospital Comput Learn Hathaway Ins Not Investmnt Computr Tech Hausermn 35h NotLiberty Co Compuir Incor Usaa Haven Induct NotiMed Entr 18 Comress Comutrit Alri NatMto 740 Conn Not Potent Dv Henredon 60 231 Not Patrol 25 Heath Teena Not NotSec Re Semicond Cons Rock 1,20 Contest Ind Si Jones Corn 5k Not Shows Cont HerchbrE 100 Not Silva Ind Co: Cantt Core Invest Catr Hess nc 45d Natl 4 740 Hession Nat Tone Dist NatTerm 10r Contran Corp Co .40 Natuts ind 70 Hickok El 20 NC Cindit Nurs Hickory Intl Furn Ned ConM Anurn'ent In Hidoc inc Aconcx Intl onwad Co Hillhav Inc .16 3 00k hem HinesLumbr NF G5 El ooper Labor! NJ N001 1.12g A4 500 2 Hotobrom Inc Newport Chm ornettus 06t 1.40 Nicholenf 140 or porate Ent rizon 20 Nielsen pitot Nielsen Yours Corp 19 Noland Co 60 Inc Min NAAm Resour HOWaT 25d Crawford sir Sk NoCnn Creative Mom Hownedica No Eur Oil Jk Bid Bid AskedCho. Stork DIv.

Bid Asked Cho, Stock Div. No PennG5 TelecomC 07h Nowst Eng 35 Telecor Incro Nowst NG 85 Teeldata Inc Nowst PS 1.40 18 Teleph Uttl 31 Nws1StCem lg 19 Tape Prd NoxellCorp .64 TeleV Commu Nuclear Resc Tennont TennNatGs .72 -0- Texus Teradyne Am Inc Oil 31 Tex Am Sulph Texint Airline OakCliffSL ,32 18 Pexscan Corp Oukridue Hold ThalhimBr .50 OceanDrill .20 ThermAir Mtg Odell Incorp Thermal Powr 0 A. Mat Inc .70 Thermo Tech OhioArt Co .20 Tiftany. Indust .20 6 OhioFerA 15 Inc Oil Shale Corp 23 Titan Tipperary Group Lnd OhioWatS 1.60 Olyu Comp .40 Topsysint 07e Opcn Road Inc Towle Mig Compt ,56 Olsten Corpor Optic Coating Tracor Tracor Incorp Optical Scan 21 Trold Corprtn Optics Techno Trans Cst Inv 28 Orbanco Incrp TransGsP 1.12 Ore Freez- Dry Transconti Oil Oregon Metal Tarvelodge .25 OregPrCm .80 Tremco Mf gl Corprt Tri-Wall Cont Ormont Drug Triangle Corp Otter TPw 1.28 171 Triangle 13 OverseaNt. Air TricoProds la Oxy Catalyst 10 Trdair Inudst Ozite Corp ,60 Trinity Ind .80 34 Triton Oil Gas Tropicana Prd Tuftc Corptn TwinDiscinc 8 Tysons Fds .40 PabstBrw Puc Autom Pd 21 Pacific Car la 47 49 16 PacFar 2.40 PacGamR .90 Pacific PacLumb Plantr 28 UniCapital .24 Pac Scientific 5 Unimed Incro Brd Unitec Industr 4 Pac VeaOil 2k UtdConv Hosp Pock Mach 20 21 Un ArtTh Pako PakcoCosIn Corp .60 14 United Intl Cp si Utdillumina 2 PakWelICp .50 11 12 UnMcGill 05b Palomar Fincl Unitd Unitek Overton PaloMt a1.26d Corpor Panacolor Inc 2 USEnvelop USBanknot .60 .30 Foods .36 Panoil Comp USEnvelpf .70 Parkr Drilling 6 US Fincil 73...

Parkwood Hm Sugar 2 ParkvGem .60 13 US Truck 1.40 Pauley Petrol Univ Food Pavelle Corp 1 Univ Pub Dist Univ UpPenPw Telephon 1.60 PayLDnw PayN Save .30 11 Utah Shale Cp 73,4 PEC Isral 80d Util Indus PeerlsMfa PeerlessT 21 Penn Enginer. Pa Gaswt 1.30 Penn Pacif Cp PepsiWash .40 7 Vacu Blast Cp Peterson HI .44 25 Valley Gas .76 Petro Dynam Valmont Indu 43 PetroLews .44 11 ValueLDv 18 Petrolite 1.60 38 VanceSa n1.20 PettiboneC .60 12 VanDuAirc .40 14 Phil 6 55 59 Van Dyk Rsch 1134 PhiSubCp 1.20 Varadyne Ind Photon Incorp 9 Velcro Ind .12 27 Pictorial Prod (z) (z) (z). Ventron Cp .40 4 Piedmnt A 1Ck 6 VermAmer .60 Pier1 imports Viatron Comp Pinkerton5 .50 Victory Mk .40 12 Pioncer Westn Va Chemcl .56 Pizzo Hut Inc Vista Internat Plasticrete 51 Vitramon Incp Polly Bergen Vogue Instrm Pope Talbt .40 Volm Shoe .36 Popeil Bro ValNtGas .28 Porter 1 17. 18 Possis Machin 8 9 Pottindus 13 13 Precision Inst Prewoyinc Lady .70 Wabash Cons Pros Fst 7 Prochemco In Wachovia Profess Golf. Wadswort Pub Prog Prop Sys Waitt Bond Inc Programg Sci Waldbaum 31 Programg Sys Wallace SP Co Program Anal WallaceBF ,70 Prudent Minr! Walter Reade 25 PubSvNH PublicLeas 1.64 Cp Warner WalkScott El .34 29 Pub5v NM .90 Warshowin .70 PubSv NC .70 Warwick Elec Publish Co Inc 63 WashNatGas Purepac Labs WashRIEst .80 20 Puritan Bennt 20 WashSc.ent In Purity Stores 14 16 Water Treat 34 PutnamD Cap 45 Wayne Mfg .32 Putnaminc la 13 Webb Resourc Weir Corp .60 Weight Watch -Q- weingartn Weisfieldin .46 .40 Weldotron Cp 19 Qonaar Cp .40 WellingMon 14 Quality Motel WellGard .40 15 Werner.

Contl 25 Werner pf -R- Prod WstCoNA WestnGear .30 Radiant Indus 4 West Mtg 29 Radi Dynamic Wstn Oil Shale Radiation Syst 2 WestrnPub .36 Ragen Precis Wstn Std Uran 17 Rahall Comm Westgate Calif Railwgt Incor 13a Watsons Corp 10 Rainier Cos .28 35 37 Wetter Fd .440 Ransburg White Shield Raven Indust Wien Cons Air Raychem Crp 70 74 2 WigwamS RayGo Incorp Wiley Sons .30 818- Raymond 14. Willamctt Recogn Equip 18 Wings Wheel WilsonFrht .40 Red OwlStrs 19 20 Redcor Corp Winter Winnebago Jack In In ReeceCorp .68 25 26 RepubFct 1.20 WintPk TI .72 Research. WiscPwLt 1.32 Respon Envir Retail Credit 2 31 Wolf Woodwd Gv Corporat 3a Reuter Incorp RevereRo Worldw Energ Revell Incorp WoodwdLoth .60 8 Wynn WrightWm Oil .28 Co RiceFood Mkt Richs Inc 1.45 RidderPb 18d 14 Riley Stoker 19 23 Rinaling Bros RipleyCom .16 Rival Mfg 14 Yardney Elec Rix Corporatn Yellow Frt .64 RoadwayE .40 RobbinMy 1.20 21 23 INSURANCE Robert Co Robo Wash in 'AllAmLfe Rocket Jsch 16 AlICity Ins .12 ROCKYMG 45 Allied Life ins Roselonin 4 AmBkrAs Rotron Inc 5k 9 AmFamily 20i Rouse Comp AmFidiLf 08e Rowan Indust 3 33 AmFnder 67. RoweFurnt Am Fodtn Royal Castle'S AmGuarnty Si Rovalinns Am 12 Am Heritg .20 1178. Systems 6 AmincmL 10k Russel Stv 80 .50 Ryan Homes AmintiGr pr 2 334 AmNottins .38 Amer Pioneer -S- Am Pub Life 2 Am Resrve .32 Sadlier In AmSt Life 28 SafeFight Inst Asso Madison 34 SafranPrnt .50 BnkerNtL Saga Administ BMA Corp .40 SanAnitaCon 2 31 Bnkrs Sec 19 SoulREIn 13 Benei Not! Co 37 SaundLeas .10 53 Cal WestSt .40 24 Sav on Dr 16 CapHoldng .40 3 Schieldahl Co 348 Chesapeak Lt 16 Solidst SonocoPd SciDev 3134 GlobeLife 15 Sons .30 175 Conn Gen .84 Socast Soundscriber Cop GovEmpLf 1 .20 Scope Incorp Combined 614, Scientific Cont 23 Colonial Li .24 Smith Smiths Tra MillerP .80 16 Georgla IntCo 271 Sowest SownstGos Foctrs Into Am Life Scantlin Elect ChaseN 51 Southn SothnUnG Indus 1.22 40 333 SouthlundC .24 IC Liquidating SnapOn Tool Globe Cap Cp 37 Horne SCI So Sea So Sees SMS Shon Seven Scient Silver Schotf SkaaP Sencca Shrhid Scripto Sothrn Shapell Servico Seismic Service Seaway Sherwd Scientifi Siliconix Sensitron Southern SimonSch Shukespre ShattroriG NF ScripnsHo ScarleCopf SothnCalW ShopRiteFds ScoledPower SmallBusnes ShenandoCp ConnG World inv Ind Ind Co Up Tel King Candy of Systemsin Dr Group Incorp Incorp Comp Foods Indust Div5v Airwis Comp 2.24 Incp 1.40 Bak Inc Inc .056 Inc 2.04 7.60 El .40 .50 80 .60 .94 .64 5i .30 16 13 5 8 36 17 1314 91 91 35 550 51 73 25 19.

47 74.... 934..... GL Gen Geo Cont Empl First Form Excel Hrtid Great College Eastern ContAm Empire Educat CoastS1L ChubbCrp Founders Hamilton CrumFrst CrumFrof FranklinL Executive GIWestLif ExcelsrNY FidelCoVa FamilyLife GovtEmins Consumers ColumbiaN FidelityUn FirstFedLi FirstAmFn Criterionin FarmNWid FirstColony Hanoverinsu Reins Hm Grp Wash Mrtge Stm Uni Ex Lif Lif Enterprise Corp Life Mortgaa Invest Genri 1.80 2.60 1.60 2.40 Intl 10i .20 .60 .20 ,400 51 Nt 1.40 .44 .28 Fin 1.40 Lit In 30 ,12 .10 Lif .32 .15 1g 5k In 1.32 Cp .400 Ind Intraon .200 64 13 In 1.5d .800 Sows! .200 let! Interst Lite Cp Hold Sovereiun Ind Jeff Not Snacerovs Inc: Kemperto .60 14g Food .25 KY Con Lit .16 Sponginds 14d Spiral Drug Metal Co Lamarti! 60d LACOP Corp Sprinofl 121 Liberty Not .30 Stuco Incoro Liteins Ga 48 Std Register LincinAm L'P Stunodyn 1.40 20V Lifelnvest Inc 436 Stan Home .90 Lincol LincolCon Inc 40n ,60 Stelher Indust Loyal LoSouthn Am Lite A Sysco Surcess Sterlings! Sunordale Subscript, SuperlorEl SWindurst pto: Co 1 Dotranc Inch Motiv .373 05rl ma 1 ERE 201 35. 1 1 Moss Monh Lukes Merry Mission dw Marcontie Utd Yas Life Gn Ea Goncral Ohin Life Sor 500 Gu Fri .34 Food 10h Monarch 649 Monument! -I- Monun ent 16d pi? Natl Lite Flo Taco Bell LI 1 all Cornotn No! 30 Tompox 3.40 174 177 Not Western Indus No: wide Corp Tasselie Incen 1614 NLT Corp 14c Tovior Intern Corp 1.40 1 DR NAmLAC 15cl Tor hnical Pin NoAm Tor hipla 000 Am ch 7.40 124 North Control 1 Panch 711:9 261 4 Nor Solesthds) High Low Close Cho. Sales(hds) High Low Close Cha.

Sales(hds) High Low Close Cho. Bid Asked Cha. Bid Stock Div. Bid Asked Bid Cha. Duq Lt 394598 13 58 Dug Lt 75 18 NowestNt 1814 19 Adress AirRed 348 238 83 10242 1021.

OakE1 63 21 OccidtiN ,10 AluPw 87 63 OgdenCp 5593 324 23 8 OhioCocCp .68 All LSt1 4581C 10 93 69 93 93 69 East Air 8595 3372 121 119 OhiEd 234575 801 OldLineins .30 East Air. 5592 397 Oneida 72 72 OldRepin AIL StI 66 66 66. AirL 586 57 64 Owenc 678594 Poc 20 10 AllICh Eckerd 434 88 16 98 Ownil 44 89 88 887 Pac5idLife 4142 Ch 5.20991 70 70 98 111 Peerles Ins .30 All 6.60593 81 EIPNG 82 51 Peninsulr AllidSt 67 67 EIPSNIG 95 930 104 10.1 Penn Life Ins 35 AllidSt 10 1 83 83 83 ErieR 271 81 5589 73 73 Peoples Pro AlliedPr 7584 34 63 Erie 552020 119 15 15 8 5591 PhiloLt Ins .40 13 AHSUD 534587 378 53 53 15 PacE 92 62 Piedit 14 Alcoa 9595 35 104 105 Esterl 914575 133 100 Pref Risk 12d Alcoa 6592 83 80 79 EvanP 271 61 POcCE 86 67 69 ProtectLife $40 13 Alcoa Alcoa 359 B2 82 142 95 95 PocGl 94 90 64 64 12 ProvLiteln .20 12 13 PacGE .64 58 Alcoa 3579 69 69 69 PacGE 95 61 61 834 .20 13 AlumC 15 PocGI 25 734 RepubNatl .20 1314 Amerac 5592 24 66 66 66 FamFi FoirHI 426592 129 PocGE 88 57 10 32 33 AAir Fill 6590 161 104 FarahMf 5594 74 PocGE 82 64 64 SiPaul Co 1.12 A AlrE 472587 47 128 121 128 80 Pace 318 84 56. -114 18 Safeco (p 1.20 40 AnTAir 397 FAS Intl 5589 168 41 Pac 3570 22 9815 9814 9815 f3 .90 47 AmAirin 4590 152 75 73. FedPc Fibrbd 64 3571 Seaboard SecConnLie Crp 5i 134 ABrnd 245 225 83 104 83 FishrF FstMtg 9614 77 77 AmAir 10 80.

80. 80 3574 86 83 86 Security Co 2 ARrnd 14 76. 76 76 691 69 3579 67 118 SecLifeAcc 22 ABrnd 45590 30 Finkt 73 73 73 PocSAirl 6587 82 63 60 63 418 SecTitle .30 11 AmBrcst 5593 198 73 FdFalr 4s79c 22 66. PacTI 8.65505 165 101 Gt .20 Am Can 6597 40 79 77 215 Pac Tel 6 88 Sierra Life In AConil Forder 87 90 10 100 100 100 PacTel 91 51. 57 57 Sowestn SouthindLife Life 3372.....

AmCan 88 2 FordCr 75 365 1003 PacTel 78 74 74 AmDis 86 32 62 FordM 431 103 103 PacTel 83 59 59 59 Stand Sec Life AEnka 24 FordM 93 PocTel 87 25 54 54 StaterGr SunLifelns .28 AExpt 531 46 43 ForeD ForMcK 6594 45 97 97 97 PacTel 86 35 54 54 53 AForPw 5530 65 5734 84 84 PacTel 85 85 Supreme Life 10 AForP 4.80 87 25. 58 57 58 Fruch 8.70:75 367 981 1007. 23 PanAA 514 89 532 Surety Life Ins 3 AMF Fruchf 93 PonAA 86 1027 145e Time Hold .40 25. AHoist 63 62 Fuquain 7588 78 57 PunA 79 10 166 162 166 Undwrit Na A 19 AHolst 137 65 PunAA 84 517 87 Unicoa Corp 16 17 ASmit 45588 34 6318 -G- ParkerH 4592 15 59 59 59 3 Union Banker A Sug 5.30593 65. GACCp PennDx 5 82 892 :55 52 UtdAmLife 101 xW 4269 103 94 1335 64 52 64 12 5 72 72 72 U1dCoLife 10c 1844- 370 70 691.0 GenAc GenAc 355 100 984 99 Penny 320 100 96 UtdFirein 206 386 99 aPnCn 6 29 $8 Un Founds 10i 6 256 GnCig 6 65 65 65 Penn Co 9594 418 65 85 65 -U- Utd Unt LifAcc 'Liberty Lf 594 120 615 5058 GenEl GenEl 5.30$92 71 72 78 77 78 82 PaPwL1 3s75 81 525 29 80 203 79 -3 UtdSavLife 111 9 AT 63 GenFd 263 105 102 1043 qPaRR 84 438 20 20 .10 213.....

UtdSvcLife .30 178 98 9719 97410- 14 GenFd 834575 279 105 1023 105 gPaRR 85 15 VariableAn Li AT 074575 732 89 56 54 56 GenHost 6590 42 42 42 Fennzi 94576 338 100 101-. 25596 Corp 5 980 163 66 547 65 Gninst Geninstr 5592 70 53 57 Pennzl 44 82 82 WashNtICo 68 17 234:532. 154 119 11 65 88 63 63. Penni 73588 10 81. 78 78 -2.

Westrn Ls pf 1.40 Amtac 288 6734 701 GMAC 101 PhilElec 9595 196 103 103 WashNt PereM 2 43- Wst Resource Anh Ampex Bsh 512 94. 414 238 851 8 PhilEl 2 104 104 27 Windsor LifeA 16 63 63 MAC 5580 298 PhilElec 8575 152 101344 7 World Syc 10e 7 Apro AnBusch Oil 6592 5588 17 77 A 5581 52 75 -1 PhIlEI 3 82 14. 8 534 160 90 'GMAC 190 70 PhilEl 47 72 79 15. BANK A Apronl PL 81 56 75 70. 75 75 GMAC 45587 70 69 PhilElec 5589 10 22 ArizPS 74 100 GMAC 29 66 67 71 PhilE1 TRUST COMPANIES 74 74 18 AmBT Pa 1.68 35 ArlanDS 6594 142 61.

57 59 -1 GMAC 110 67 65 PhilE! 14 PhlIE! 40 AmFetch 2.80 63 Armc 5.90592 95 75 MA 4579 172 PhilEl 32 Am Natl Cp 1 35 37 Armco 64 64 GMAC 120 PhilE! 95 95 25 26 AmSec Tr 1.60 8 Armour 5584 63 62 GnMtr 207 10 93 PhilEI PhilEl 83 83 83 AmSvLoan 5k Armc 4.35584 67 67 GMAC Arizon Bk 1.12 Armor 29 32 GPU1 162 106. 103 PhilMo 93 8 BancOhio Cp 27 28 Arm Rb 7 10 66 Gn Tel 35 Phil Mor 6594 570 141 140 Bantam 2.20 62. 5588 Gen Tel 5592 287 PhilMo 79 77 77 23 Bk BkCmDe 1.80h Ash0 Oil 6.15 8.852000 92 22 15 Gen Tele 4590 151 66 67 PhilVn 35 60 61 of Dela 20 AshOil 75 75 75 GaPac 130 112 107 Pillsby -V- Sowest 1.60 37 385 Assoln 73-5P8 8 74 74 74 Glen Aid 6588 1170 46 PubSvEl 8537 10 96. 94 96 -3 Bank of NJ 2g 40 43 104 71 69 69 Gidd 25 52 52 Pioner 1185 7 BarnettFl 56 Assoln Assoln 15 73 73 73. Gliden 24 PubSvEl 5537 63 63 63 Baystate 1.60' 43 Atchison 4595 49 60 56 60 53 54 60 5s88 94 3 PubSE 30 82 3 BevHills Bncp 12 4 05st 8 GordonJ.

79 65. 65. PubSE 56 81 80 8014 Boatmens 1.70. 32 AtI Cst 434588 49 48 49 Gould 973,4 9734 PubSE 534..... CBTCorp 1.20e AtI Cot 96 58 58 58 Grace 104 62 59 62 PubSE 94 94 94 27 Cent Bkcp 1.10 21 At1Cst c70 Grant GroCSt 94 55 7 CenNBClv 1.60 29 TO 207.

41591 14 78 Cn JorBk .120 17 4.955P8 16 563 87 69 67 67 -R- CenNatChCp 23 25 A Aurora 45 20 125 6 49 83 49 43 49 Gt NoR NoRy 5573 590 89 ACp 9575 195 105 104 73 1.10 47 106 VA CenStBklyn 5i. 1134 AutOnt sR1 81 81 81 Gt Nor 76. 76 76. A 539 66. City NatCp .80 Avro 709 57 601 GtWsUn 6587 18 59 59 -3 Ralstn 57 Cleve Tr 3.40g 101 103 AVCO 316 56.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.